Rose Gold Filled chain Flat Cable 1.9x 2.5mm , 1 3 5 10 20 30 Feet 20% Discount included in the listing , rose gold chain flat cable sold by foot by metrs , unfinished rose gold fill cable chain for jewelry making , supply jewelry findings , SKU-40043 , chain Flat Cable oval link rose gold fill , Width: 1.9mm , Length: 2.5mm , Thickness: 0.35mm (27 gauge)
Note: Jump ring 4mm x 0.8mm 20gauge thickness will fit through the links of this chain link×0-8mm-20ga-30-100-300-pcs-30-discount-rose-gold-open-jump-rings-rose-gold-fill-connector-jump-rings-rose-gold-filled-jewelry-making-jump-rings-sku-20013r/
Quantity: Select an option , Discount included in the listing
1 foot (30cm)
3 feet (90cm)
5 feet (1.5 meters)
10 feet (3 meters) 10% discount
20 feet (6 meters) 15% discount
30 feet (9 meters) 20% discount
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